Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Department of Healthcare Management
The German Magnet4Europe research team consists of Prof. Dr. Reinhard Busse, Dr. Claudia Maier, Julia Köppen and Joan Kleine and is based at Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Department of Health Care Management . The department has around 30 scientific staff members and is headed by Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Busse MPH.
The research and teaching focus of the department is in the areas of:
The research and teaching focus of the department is in the areas of:
- health systems and policies (in international comparison and with particular attention on performance assessment),
- health services research (role of workforce, payment incentives, integrated care),
- health economics,
- health technology assessment (especially innovative medical products including digital health applications), and global health.
The department has a highly international focus and follows an interdisciplinary approach. It has a long tradition in the field of nursing science and has been involved in several international projects such as the EU-funded RN4CAST (2009-2011), HEALTH PROMeTHEUS (2009-2012), and MUNROS (2012-2017). Within the Magnet4Europe project, the team at TU Berlin is leading Work Package 7 - the dissemination, exploitation and transferability of the results, and the communication during the course of the study. In cooperation with the other country teams TU Berlin informs participants of the study, interested audience outside the study, stakeholders, and policy makers via the project’s website, social media and the newsletter.
Project staff
Prof. Dr. med. Reinhard Busse is the head of the Department of Health Care Management at TU Berlin. He is also a faculty member of the Charité, scientific director of the Berlin Centre of Health Economics Research (HECOR), co-director of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, and editor-in-chief of Health Policy. Currently he is involved in Covid-related research and a member of the advisory board on COVID-related exoneration measures in the hospital sector for the Federal Ministry of Health.
Dr. Claudia Maier is a postdoctoral researcher at the TU Berlin with a background in nursing science and Public Health. Her research focusses on the nursing workforce, skill-mix, new professional roles as well as health workforce and systems research in Europe. In 2014-15, she spent one year in the U.S. at the University of Pennsylvania as Harkness/B.Braun Fellow in Healthcare Policy and Practice. From 2011 until 2014 she worked at UNAIDS on health systems strengthening, task-shifting and -sharing, the integration of the HIV/AIDS programs in national health systemsand HIV/AIDS investment cases. In 2008-11, she was employed by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, where she worked primarily on the E.U.-funded HEALTH PROMeTHEUS research project on health professional mobility in the European region, and organized policy dialogues on health policy reforms in Europe.
Julia Köppen (BScN, MScPH) is a trained nurse, a research fellow at the department since 2015, and a PhD student. She has worked in several EU (MUNROS, SELFIE) and national projects related to health workforce, integrated care, and population perspective on the German health care system. Her main interests are the current working situation of nurses in German hospitals, and new professional roles in health care. She has a background in nursing and works periodically in trauma and orthopedics.
Joan Kleine is the youngest member of the German team. She has been working as a research fellow at the department since December 2020. As a trained nurse, she has many years of professional experience in intensive care departments in several German hospitals. She completed her bachelor's degree in Health Sciences (B.Sc.) and studied Public Health (M.Sc.). She already dealt with the Magnet® model in her master's thesis.