Dr Noeleen Brady, Dr Vera McCarthy, Dr Elaine Lehane, Professor Jonathan Drennan, Colleen Pogue, Professor Matt McHugh and Professor Linda Aiken. Months of preparation by the University College Cork and University of Pennsylvania teams culminated in over 200 delegates flying into Ireland to attend the first face-to-face Magnet4Europe Learning Collaborative on the 19th and 20th of May 2022. Participants from the twinned hospitals across the US, Europe, and the Magnet4Europe research teams from Belgium, Germany, the UK, Norway, Sweden, Ireland and the US took the opportunity to meet for the first time in person after working closely online for the past 18 months. Delegates were welcomed by Ireland’s Chief Nurse, Rachel Kenna, the Head of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Professor Josephine Hegarty and the Head of College of Medicine and Health, Professor Helen Whelton from University College Cork and Rebecca Graystone from the ANCC as well Professor Linda Aiken, Professor Walter Sermeus and Professor Jonathan Drennan. Plenary sessions by our world-renowned experts, Professor Linda Aiken, Professor Martin McKee and Professor James Buchan provided insights into the state of our healthcare systems on both sides of the Atlantic and generated wide discussion amongst our delegates. Great panel discussions followed hosted by Elizabeth Adams (President European Federation of Nurses’ Associations), Professor Jane Ball (University of Southampton) and Professor Anne Marie Rafferty (King’s College London). Country led breakout sessions were joyfully attended and twins showcased their innovative Magnet4Europe initiatives. This was an opportunity to showcase the inspiring work that is currently ongoing between the European and US twins. Over twenty fantastic posters were displayed to share learning from the Magnet4Europe twins and provided opportunities for delegates to further develop initiatives. The standard of these posters was outstanding and great discussions were held during the poster viewing sessions. A gala dinner was held for delegates and this was a great success with traditional Irish musicians, dancers and a drummer! The Magnet4Europe delegates enthusiastically joined in with the Irish dancing and singing on a thoroughly enjoyable evening. The following day, delegates returned to the Learning Collaborative Friday morning bright and early for presentation of “Best Abstracts” that had been selected competitively from among all submitted and an award ceremony. Six abstract winning Magnet4Europe twins delivered informative and exciting presentations on their collaborations, innovations, and progress. Presentations were delivered by Magnet4Europe twins from the US, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, and England. Professor Walter Sermeus, Professor Linda Aiken and Professor Jonathan Drennan closed the proceedings to rapturous applause. Finally the tour to beautiful Blarney Castle was full as delegates were keen to kiss the Blarney Stone in preparation for our next learning collaborative! Overall, the first in-person Learning Collaborative was a resounding success. Delegates came away with new friendships formed, innovative ideas to implement in practice and even closer collaborations between the Magnet4Europe twins. The Magnet4Europe research teams would like to thank all those who attended and, in particular, for making the Learning Collaborative a wonderful occasion.
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